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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
CSE1D03 How Safe are We at Work?
(Common selective) Basic concepts of occupational safety and health, health and hygiene at workplace, safety at workplace, ergonomics and occupational health
CSE375 Construction Safety
Occupational health hazards, construction safety & management, safety audit, working at height, scaffolds & falsework, cranes, earthwork, excavation & tunnelling, demolition & dismantling
CSE376 Safety Technology
Hazard control, slip and fall, material handling, machinery guarding, fire prevention and explosion, electrical safety, confined space, welding and flame cutting, personal protective equipment
CSE392 Quantitative Methods for Environmental Studies
Probability distribution, sampling distribution, correlation, test of normality, time-series analysis
CSE39284 Applied Mathematics for Environmental and Occupational Safety & Health
Linear equations, matrix, linear programming, statistics, hypothesis testing, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis
CSE40444 Risk Management
Risk management principles, hazard management, probability and uncertainty analysis, risk assessment, risk perceptions, human behaviour, insurance and risk communication
CSE40481 Environmental Life Cycle Assessment
Life cycle and inventory, LCA and waste management, LCA and water resources, LCA and air pollution, Climate change and carbon measurement, Product carbon footprint and carbon neutrality, LCA applications in built environment, LCA applications in green transportation
CSE40482 Disaster Control & Management
Hazards, risk & vulnerability, mitigation, management of disaster, participation in disaster event, psychological impact, special consideration
CSE544 Sustainable Development and Environmental Planning
Sustainable development - concept, global picture, strategy and implementation, renewable energy, green building, sustainable transportation, sustainable urban cities, sustainable water management, implementing sustainable development in Hong Kong, case studies.
CSE548 Global Climate Change and Societal Impact
Introduction to climate change, changes in different systems with global warming, adaption and vulnerability, responses to climate change
University of Canterbury
ENCN261 Transport and Surveying
Fundamental concepts of transportation, driver behaviour and traffic flow; highway capacity and level of service; the principles of geometric design for roads and railways
ENCN412 Traffic Engineering
Transport and land use planning; four-step modeling; economic appraisal; traffic management; traffic flow theory; intersection design; road safety; signs and markings; road lighting; local area traffic management
ENTR401 Fundamentals of Transport Engineering
Transportation planning; Road link theory and design; Intersection analysis and design; Traffic studies; Accident reduction; Sustainable transport planning and design; Pavement design; Road asset management. Please refer to the Director of Transportation Engineering regarding availability.
ENTR602 Accident Reduction and Prevention
Impact on society; data analysis and interpretation; hazardous location identification; problem diagnosis; treatment options; treatment selection; economic appraisal; evaluation
ENTR612 Transport Policy and Demand Management
Road environment features and constraints on driver behaviour and highway safety, standards and Transport economics; Travel demand management; Transport policy objectives and instruments; Traffic management modellings
ENTR613 Highway Geometric Design
Road environment features and constraints on driver behaviour and highway safety, standards and performance measures for assessing highway geometry, road alignment and cross-section, highway designs review and audit, and highway design plans
ENTR614 Planning and Design of Sustainable Transport
Pedestrian planning and design; Cycle planning and design; Public transport operations and network design; Travel behaviour change and travel plans
ENTR615 Transport Network Modelling
Principles of transport modelling; Road network modelling; Macro-simulation and microsimulation; Traffic intersection modelling; Transport network analysis and reliability
ENTR616 Advanced Transport Planning and Modelling
Transportation planning theory; land use modeling; travel demand modeling process; four-step modeling; combined models
ENTR617 Traffic Engineering and Design
Traffic flow theory on links & nodes; gap acceptance behavior; traffic studies; speed management and local area traffic management; safety research; traffic signal design; intersection design; parking design and planning; traffic detection and measurement; intelligent transport systems and transport operations
ENTR618 Transport and Freight Logistics
Logistics system, service selection, vehicle routing, facility location, fleet management and design, urban goods movement
The University of Hong Kong
CIVL1014 Survey and Drawing
Basic principles of plane surveying, differential & trigonometrical leveling and tachometry
Macau University
CIVL447 Traffic Engineering
Basic principles of urban transportation planning, highway geometric design, basic traffic characteristics, traffic flow theory, traffic survey, traffic signal design, and traffic safety
PhD (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Tiantian Chen (2021) Safety of Professional Driver in Hong Kong
(Assistant Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, South Korea)
Junbiao Su (2021) Modeling of Pedestrian Safety at the Macroscopic Level
(Postdoctoral fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
Dianchen Zhu (2021) Red Light Running Behaviour and Safety of Pedestrians at Signalized Crossings
(Lecturer, Hefei University of Technology, China)
Hongliang Ding (2022) Understanding and Analysis of Bicycle Travel and Safety​
(Associate Professor, Southwest Jiaotong University, China)
​Penglin Song (2024) Safety Analysis of Highway Merging and Diverging Areas Using Advanced Econometric Methods​​
(Postdoctoral fellow, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)​
MSc in Civil Engineering / Environmental Management & Engineering (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Han Li (2019) Drivers’ Workload and Driving Performance Affected by Highly Automatic Driving and Work Zone Configuration
Wenzhuo Guo (2020) Analysis of Pedestrian Red-Light Violation Behavior at Signalized Crossing in Hong Kong
Penglin Song (2020) Analysis on Influencing Factors of National Quantified Road Safety Targets
Yunxu Peng (2021) Effects of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone on the Usage of the Bike Sharing Scheme
Kexin Huang (2023) Assessing the Risk of Truck-involved Lane Changing Behavior at Freeway Weaving Segments
ME in Transportation (University of Canterbury)
Jeremy Frances (2014) In-vehicle Information Systems: A tool to Reduce Fatal and Serious Crashes in New Zealand Work Sites
Steve James (2015) The Safety Effectiveness of Electronic Curve Warning Signs
Michael Zhang (2015) A study of the Reliability of Selected Bus Services in Christchurch
Tyler Ross (2016) Smartphone Technology and its Application for Collecting Travel Survey Information