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Tony's webpage

Tony is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He obtained the BEng (Civil Engineering) and PhD degrees both from the University of Hong Kong. Before joining PolyU, Tony had worked at University of Canterbury in New Zealand and Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. He specializes in smart mobility, transport safety, human factors, travel behaviour, transport big data, and machine learning. Tony has over 140 journal publications including prestigious transportation journals like Analytic Methods in Accident Research and Accident Analysis & Prevention.
Tony is the Associate Editors of Accident Analysis and Prevention, Transportmetrica A, and International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences Research, and Special Issue Editor of Travel Behaviour and Society. He is also the editorial board members of Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Safety Science, Journal of Safety Research, Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation Research Part F, and International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Currently, Tony is the committee members of The Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation – Hong Kong (CIHT-HK) and Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS). He also serves on the Road Safety Research Committee and the Committee on Taxi Service Quality of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Tony got the Departmental Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2021, Outstanding Health Promotion Project Award from Food and Health Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government in 2015, and numerous paper awards in the international conferences.
PhD, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
BEng, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (2022- Present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (2016- 2022)
Lecturer, Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand (2013- 2016)
Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2010- 2012)
Researcher, Department of Transport & Planning, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (2008- 2009)
Member, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2020)
Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council (2020)
Member, The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (2018)
Member, Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (2018)
Song, P., Sze, N.N., Chen, S., Labi, S. (2024) Correcting for endogeneity of crash type in crash injury severity at highway ramp areas. Accident Analysis and Prevention 208, 107785.
Zhu, M., Sze, N.N., Li, H. (2024) Influence of walking accessibility for metro system on pedestrian safety: A multiple membership multilevel model. Analytic Methods in Accident Research 43, 100337.
Zhu, M., Sze, N.N., Newnam, S., Zhu, D. (2023) Do footbridge and underpass improve pedestrian safety? A Hong Kong case study using three-dimensional digital map of pedestrian network. Accident Analysis and Prevention 186, 107064.
Ding, H., Lu, Y., Sze, N.N., Antoniou, C., Guo, Y. (2023) A crash feature-based allocation method for boundary crash problem in spatial analysis of bicycle crashes. Analytic Methods in Accident Research 37, 100251.
Song, P., Sze, N.N., Zheng, O., Abdel-Aty, M. (2022) Addressing unobserved heterogeneity at road user level for the analysis of conflict risk at tunnel toll plaza: A correlated grouped random parameters logit approach with heterogeneity in means. Analytic Methods in Accident Research 36, 100243.
Ding, H., Lu, Y., Sze, N.N., Chen, T., Guo, Y., Lin, Q. (2022) A deep generative approach for crash frequency model with heterogeneous imbalanced data. Analytic Methods in Accident Research 34, 100212.
Su, J., Sze, N.N., Bai, L. (2021) A joint probability model for pedestrian crashes at macroscopic level: Roles of environment, traffic and population characteristics. Accident Analysis and Prevention 150, 105898.
Ding, H., Sze, N.N., Li, H., Guo, Y. (2020) Roles of infrastructure and land use in bicycle crash exposure and frequency: A case study using Greater London bike sharing data. Accident Analysis and Prevention 144, 105652.
Chen, T., Sze, N.N., Saxena, S., Pinjari, A.R., Bhat, C., Bai, L. (2020) Evaluation of penalty and enforcement strategies to combat speeding offences among professional drivers: A Hong Kong stated preference experiment. Accident Analysis and Prevention 135, 105366.
Sze, N.N., Su, J., Bai, L. (2019) Exposure to pedestrian crash based on household survey data: Effect of trip purpose. Accident Analysis and Prevention 128, 17-24.
Departmental Award for Excellence in Teaching 2020/21, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2021)
Best Paper Award, 5th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (2019)
Outstanding Health Promotion Project Award, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong Government (2015)
Nominee, UCSA Lecturer of the Year 2013, University of Canterbury (2013)
Best Paper Award, The 9th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (2011)
Best Original Paper Award, Hong Kong Medical Journal (2010)
Highways into the Next Century 1996 International Conference Scholarship (2008)

17 June 2019
Safety Problem of Professional Drivers
HK01 香港01

8 May 2023
Taxi Driver Safety Forum
Transport Department